
Hummer fireworks are basically a thick walled tube filled with a composition (mainly black powder) with clay plugs at both ends. An small exhaust hole is drilled on an angle into the side of the tube. When ignited the firework spins on its axis at very high speeds.


The horsetail, named for the shape of its break, this shell features heavy long-burning tailed stars that only to travel a short distance from the shell burst before free-falling to the ground. Also known as a waterfall shell. Sometimes there is a glittering through the waterfall.


In relation to firework compositions it means that the composition is the same throughout, in other words it has been mixed to a level where there are equals parts of chemicals throughout the mix.


The Buzz-Bomb or Helicopter are very popular flying fireworks. Both are basically the same device, but the Buzz-Bomb explodes with a loud report at the apex of its flight. Buzz-bombs differ from black powder rockets in that the exhaust from the nozzle is projected sideways, exerting a torque. When lit, hot gasses, sparks and flame shoot out the side of a small 1/8" vent hole located at the bottom of the device making it spin.

Hazard symbols

Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances (as amended) is the main European Union law concerning chemical safety. Under this Directive, there are various hazard symbols used for labelling chemicals. One should take the time to correctly label his/her chemicals in stock. This is compulsory in some states and regulated by law.



Hangfire - shell fuse suddenly starts burning slower than it is supposed to, and may appear as if it has gone out. Just as suddenly, it may resume burning at its normal rate.

Hammer shell

Hammer shell is a shell, usually multi break, comprised of color breaks and reports timed to break in an alternating pattern.



HDPE (high-density polyethylene) is a dense plastic polymer. It is actually very flexible in long lengths, making it ideal for use as underground piping as it can withstand the shifting ground. This makes it very safe to use for mortars. If a shell explodes in the tube (Flower pot), the HDPE absorbs much of the energy. Though destroying the tube it does not readily create shrapnel. HPDE is also very durable and mortars will last for years.

Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes Born April 13th 1570 Executed January 31st 1606, was an Elizabethan nobleman, adventurer, and politician who became involved in the infamous Gunpowder Plot. The plot attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster on the evening of 5 November 1605. Although Fawkes was a relatively minor player, he was to have lit the fuse but was instead caught in the act.


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