Colored fires are slow burning color compositions that are burnt as heaps (without a container) or being loaded into short tubes by simple means. The devices are quite similar to torches (fusees) and bengals forasmuch they all principally feature modified colored star mixes in which the combustive agents (like airfloat charcoal or lampblack) generally are omitted. To the contrary they often contain retardants such as woodmeal ensuring a longer burn duration.
If a container is employed, we make use of thin-walled tubes (no thicker than 1,5mm) that will burn away with the composition. Any lenght of tube can be used with a common size being 75mm in lenght and 18mm I.D. The devices are charged using a drift and hand pressure or by means of a funnel and wire rod and many of the following compositions will burn more reliably and steadily if they are only shaken down the tube.